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বুধবার, ৬ এপ্রিল, ২০১৬

Windows 10 > Keyboard Shortcut Keys

By on এপ্রিল ০৬, ২০১৬
Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcut Keys – New!
Post: Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcut Keys – Windows 10 released with some new features and it has offered a set of new shortcut keys to operate this version of Windows.  Here, in this post I’m going to list them.
Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcut Keys
Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcut Keys
1. virtual desktops
Windows 10 now supports multiple desktops to ease you manage your tasks. Windows users always envied Linux & Mac users for this. Use following shortcut keys to manage virtual desktops (called Task View) in Windows 10 environment.
Keyboard Shortcut Keys
Create new virtual desktop
Win + Ctrl + D
Close current virtual desktop
Win + Ctrl + F4
Switch to the virtual desktop on the right
Win + Ctrl + right arrow
Switch to the virtual desktop on the let
Win + Ctrl + left arrow
2. Windows Snapping
Windows 7 introduced window snapping called “Aero Snap”. Now you have shortcut keys to snap windows vertically or snap windows to a 2 x 2 grid.
Keyboard Shortcut Keys
Snap current window to the left
Win + Left
Snap current window to the right
Win + Right
Snap current window to the top
Win + Up
Snap current window to the right
Win + Right
Snap window to top left
Win + Left + Up
Snap window to the bottom left
Win + Left + Down
Snap window to the top right
Win + Right + Up
Snap Window to the bottom right
Win + Right + Down
3. Task View
Task view is a new feature in Windows 10 that combines window switching and virtual desktops. You can click on Task View button in task bar or use following shortcut key to open it.
Keyboard Shortcut Keys
Open Task View
Win + Tab
Switch between Application
Alt + Tab
4. Other new keyboard shortcuts
Apart from above tasks following are some other windows 10 keyboard shortcut keys:

Keyboard Shortcut Keys
Open Action Center
Win + A
Open Search
Win + S
Open Cortana in Listening Mode
Win + C


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